Forth Brings Electric Vehicle Carshare Program to Hood River
Forth, an Oregon based non-profit working to accelerate the transition to a cleaner transportation sector, is launching a program for community carsharing in Hood River. Five Honda Clarity Electric vehicles will be available to reserve and stationed throughout Hood River at affordable housing sites, the city center, and tourist areas.
The Clean Rural Shared Electric Mobility (CRuSE) Project aims to demonstrate a financially sustainable model for plug-in electric vehicle carsharing in rural communities. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office. Forth is partnering with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, to evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of a sustainable, rural-focused, ridesharing platform.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by program partners will be held at the Hood River Fire Department on June 24. Learn more.
Image courtesy of Forth