Oregon DEQ Opens Charge Ahead Rebate Pre-Qualification Application

It’s time to get ready! While the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has not yet announced the 2024 re-opening of the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program, the agency has re-launched the online prequalification application for the Oregon Clean Vehicle Charge Ahead Rebate. Low- and moderate-income households, in other words those with a household income of less than 400% of the federal poverty guideline can receive $5000 for the purchase or lease of a used battery electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and up to $7500 for the purchase or lease of a new battery electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle when combined with the Standard Rebate. To determine if you are eligible, check DEQ’s Income Eligibility Calculator.

The pre-qualification process allows Charge Ahead applicants to get a pre-qualification voucher that can be used at point of sale or lease at any participating dealership. DEQ provides a map and list of dealerships active in the rebate program.

NOTE: The online prequalification application may take three to four weeks to be processed and for the applicant to be notified. The approved voucher can be used at point of sale or lease at any participating dealership.

DEQ will soon announce when the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program will open for 2024. You may sign up for email updates on the program at https://ordeq.org/OCVRPSignUp.


If you have any questions about the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program, please contact cleancars@deq.oregon.gov.